Wedding Ideas2

Supplies Web support many hotels throughout the UK with their stationery orders. We support them throughout the year and especially through wedding season. With a couple of the ladies in our office getting engaged this year and another lady getting …The environmental crisis is a global problem, and only global action will resolve it” – Barry Commoner

Top 10 Tips to make your office more environmentally friendly

  1. Turn everything off at the end of the day

This is probably the most obvious and easily attainable tip. We assume you are already shutting down your computers (if not, then you should!), but what about the printers? There are many electrical appliances in the workplace, some you might not even think of, such as the radio or coffee machine; turning these off at the end of the day can save energy and money.

  1. Let there be light

Did you know that 30% of a business’ utility spend is lighting? Good lighting is essential to workplace productivity, but the type of lighting you have can make a huge difference to your carbon emissions and expenditure. If you are lucky enough to have access to natural daylight, make use of this and you won’t need to waste unnecessary energy on extra lighting. If you do need extra lighting, invest in LED lights which last longer, have no toxic elements and are energy efficient.

  1. Think before you print

Hands up if you are guilty of unnecessarily printing a document you could have easily read on your screen?  If this is the case, stop and think; not only will you be saving energy, you are also saving paper and ink. You should also consider using refillable ink cartridges or implementing a Managed Print Service – two strategies which have a less damaging effect on the environment and expenditure.

  1. Get a desk plant

We all know office plants add a bit personality to the workplace and literally make the place look greener but, did you know, they also have environmentally friendly benefits such as helping to purify the air within office. Further to this, plants also help to improve productivity; all offices should have them!

  1. Recycle

Hopefully your office should already have recycling bins in place to separate paper from general waste but, if not, you should certainly suggest them. Offices go through a lot of paper and recycling it can make an enormous difference. It doesn’t just stop at paper; did you know around 70% of office waste is recyclable? Consider plastics, empty ink cartridges and electronics etc.

  1. Think about your mode of transport

If you live near a colleague, or pass their house on your route to work, consider car sharing. How about public transport? Why not catch the train or the bus to work? This will help the environment massively and help to decrease pollution. If you’re lucky enough to live close to your workplace, you could even consider cycling to work – your journey would emit zero pollution and you’d get much healthier while you’re at it! You could also actively promote cycling by suggesting a Cycle to Work scheme.

  1. Use environmentally friendly products

In addition to recycling materials in the office, you could use eco-friendly products wherever possible. For example notepads, recycled printer paper and pens. Not only will this help our planet, but it will set a fantastic example throughout the office. You can see our range of eco office supplies here.


  1. Consider a casual dress code

In the summer months, wearing a suit can be uncomfortable and hot, requiring the use of air-con or fans which use up energy. By introducing a casual dress code, employees can dress more appropriately for the hotter climate.

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